Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 18

Happy Mother's Day - TO MEEEEEEE!!!!

Today we went out to Sawtooth Winery for a big wine tasting event. We were lucky enough to have been invited to go with the whole Tyree clan. They reserved a tent, so we had a nice place to sit and visit and nibble on all sorts of lovely snacks that Allison and I made. Honestly, I did taste a couple wines. It was really nice because all they give you is a sip or two ~ so after tasting about three ~ I had had my fill of risky behavior :) The weather was HOT, freakishly hot for early May, so after a few hours I reached my maximum heat capacity and we rolled home to spend the evening relaxing. Your Dad gave me a Mother's Day card too ~ which truly was the highlight of my day.

How we fight (usually laughing).
How we love (always laughing).


“Arrrgh, son-of-a-bitch leg cramp!” is something you may have uttered recently. Most likely it was when you were in bed after finally getting to sleep once your heartburn subsided and your nose cleared.

No one knows what causes them - The possible culprits are compressed blood vessels or just the pressure of carrying around more weight. Either way they are painful and wrench you out of a glorious sleep like an air horn. Quickest trick to relieve them is to flex your foot upwards and straighten your leg like you’re going to touch your shin with your big toe.

As for your baby, they are yawning and hiccupping now. Awwww. Don’t the leg cramps seem less awful now? No, you’re right they’re still terrible.

Your baby is moving around quite a bit now and you can see all its blood vessels through its transparent skin. So cool.

How your baby's growing:

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and she weighs almost 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. Her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around her nerves, a process that will continue for a year after she's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.

How your life's changing:

Hungry? An increase in appetite is pretty common about now. Make it count by choosing meals and snacks that are rich in nutrients instead of empty calories (chips, French fries, candy, and other sweets). Bigger, more comfortable clothes are a must now as your appetite and waistline grow.
Your cardiovascular system is undergoing dramatic changes, and during this trimester your blood pressure will probably be lower than usual. Don't spring up too fast from a lying or sitting position or you might feel a little dizzy. From now on, when you do lie down, it's best to lie on your side — or at least partly tilted to one side. (When you lie flat on your back, your uterus can compress a major vein, leading to decreased blood return to your heart.) Try placing a pillow behind you or under your hip or upper leg for comfort.

Love you baby, me