Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 28

Hey baby! This week started out really really awesome! Your dad and I went up to Stanley, Id for a few days. When we first got into town he stopped at one of my favorite stores, Riverwear, and I window shopped for a bit. Then we rolled over to Redfish Lake for the evening. We listened to live music at the lodge, wandered on the docks, breathed the fresh was lovely. We even landed a sweet spot to camp for the night very close by. The next day - after blueberry pancakes and everything else for breakfast - we moved on to another location to explore and fish and camp. With a little stop at Stanley Lake on the way. I was a really nice break from the valley heat. 

One of the highlights was working on picking a NAME for you :) as we were resting in the woods. We haven't exactly figured it out yet - but we have a good 'short list'.

After we got back home we had a lot of doc appointments and meetings (like a birthing class - yikes) and other stuff to take care of. But we did manage to get in a little homemade sushi for dinner one night! Don't worry baby - my rolls were all cooked.

Here are some updates about you this week:

WE MADE IT TO THE 3rd TRIMESTER!! Whew - only 3 months to go.

How your baby's growing:

By this week, your baby weighs 2 1/4 pounds (about the size of a large eggplant) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Love you baby, me

Week 27

Morning quiet time.
Hi Baby ~

Lots of appointments this week:

Met with 'the girls' to get ready for our Tahoe trip.
Dr. J and the glucose test - LAME.
Dentist - LAME
Massage - awesome
Breastfeeding Class - wierd, lots of boobs
Dermatologist - ask your Dad

Mixed in with a fair amount of things to do around the house and napping :) Not so bad of a week! The icing on the cake was Friday afternoon when your Dad and I were invited to be witnesses at Micah and Kara's courthouse nuptials. It was really cool and we feel lucky to have been included.

Our progress this week......the funny one:


How ya doin’? Are you scared about the whole birth thing?

I don’t think there are many women that aren’t nervous about giving birth at one point or another. I mean you’re pushing a person out of you that is bigger than the exit. From everything that I’ve read, the biggest pain reliever from labour seems to be arming yourself with confidence. I know, that sounds completely stupid but bear with me.

If you go in to your birth feeling out of control and terrified, it’s going to exacerbate the pain, but if you arm yourself with the knowledge that this is what your body is supposed to do, you’re going to have a much easier time seeing past it.

I’ve been in labour twice and it hurt. Not unbearable pain, but “yeah, this f-ing hurts, I’m going to take you up on that epidural now” pain. Plus, I have to be one of the most pain phobic people on the planet – I get drugged to have my teeth cleaned. And you know what? It was fine.

I have no idea why some women love to recount their horrible labours. I honestly don’t think it helps anyone, although, maybe it makes them feel better, dunno. Labours are like fingerprints and no two are alike. You’re going to have a great birth and you’re going to have a healthy, beautiful baby at the end of it all and there’s nothing to gain from thinking otherwise.

Even if you want to be drugged in the parking lot and have an elective c-section, my advice is to read up on everything. Read about water births, homebirths, hypno-births and everything in between. Watch Business of Being Born, More Business of Being Born and the movie Babies. Even if you absolutely know that none of it is for you, it will help that primal part of your brain to kick in and say, “Hell yeah, I can do this and me and my baby are going to rock this birth.”

Look, there is no easy way to get a kid out of you, but always keep in mind that your body is set up to do just that. You’re going to be amazing.

Love you baby - me