Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Special Day and SPRING BREAK!

Hi Babycakes ~

Oh glorious Spring Break! It's finally here! This year we packed in the fun:

  • On Friday March 21st we invited our closest friends and family to celebrate your Baptism. We asked Ang and Jaspur to be your Godparents and fortunately they said YES! They traveled all the way from Montana to be with us and to honor you. We all gathered at St. Mark's and enjoyed a wordy ceremony from Deacon Mike (the same man who married your Dad and I). You were blessed up one side and down the other! 

  • Afterwards we all went over to Sockeye Brewery (appropriate place to celebrate a Baptism right?!) and ate delicious food and drank delicious beer and visited with everyone. It was a really nice time. You were also given some really nice gifts and cards from friends and family afar. You are loved. 

  • On Sunday we were supposed to fly to Phoenix - but things got a little delayed with the flights out of town - but soon enough we were on our way to meet your GREAT Grammy and Grandpa Cudnohufsky and Great Aunt Bonnie!!! Your first flight! It actually went really well - you were a total champ. I think your Dad was the most wound up out of the three of us :) 

  • We had a marvelous time lounging around in the sun, swimming, strolling, checking out the Botanical Gardens....your Dad even made it to a spring training baseball game! I hope we go back again next spring ~ it is a much shorter flight then all the way to Michigan!

Now we are on the countdown to SUMMER!!

Love you oodles, Momz

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

5 Months and 6 Months!

Hey Babycakes ~ Life has gotten a little bit, shall we say, BUSY! The late winter / early spring time is always a little bit rough in the teaching world. There aren't too many breaks and everyone just sort of hunkers down til Spring Break. So forgive me baby, but I missed a month of writing to you. But don't worry, I still took lots of pictures and enjoyed every single day waking up to your sweet face!

SOOOO - There seems to be some debate on WHEN a baby actually turns another month old.......I guess I will shift to 'the date of the month' from here on out for simplicity's sake. Sometimes the world doesn't want to have to THINK too hard, so we'll play along. I think you are six months old now - but by the 'date of the month' you still have two weeks to go - either way - you're BASICALLY six months old now!!!

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!  Half of year old! Are you kidding me?!?! I really really can't believe it. It has been such a fun trip watching you develop from a little tiny peanut into just a little bigger peanut! You are so smiley and happy and fun to be around. You have these great belly laughs when we tickle you. You reach for everything and put it in your mouth. You are rolling like a maniac - but not crawling yet. You like the taste of food but aren't totally sure on exactly how to swallow it yet - so it gets ALL OVER your face. You look right at the dogs and the cat and reach out to touch them. You smile back at anyone who smiles at you. You're doing this funny lip smacking sound these days and yelling and making all sorts of racket. It's great.

You're so beautiful. The cutest baby in the whole world!

OK, we must digress a little bit here and include our February adventures.......

  • Your Dad has a little tradition on Super Bowl Sunday....... Personal Pizza Pan Nachos. Yum.

  • This is Amanda, she loves you to pieces, and you like snuggling with her too :)

  • You're so cute when you sleep ~ you like bury your face in blankies. 

  • SNOW DAY!!!!! We already had plans to go to McCall for the weekend, but the Snow Gods blessed us and canceled school on Friday. Oh glory day!!

Happy Valentines Day Little Love Muffin!

  • We snapped some quick pics for your baptism announcements ~ it was tricky, but I think we got a couple cute ones!

Love you peanut pie, Momma