Friday, August 8, 2014

10 Months

Hi Love Muffin ~

Well exciting and scary news today ~ YOU ARE WALKING!!!!! Today - on your 10 month birthday - you took your first steps without Daddy or I holding your hands. Now granted, you were pretty wobbly and only went about three steps before plopping on your bum....and you are still a super speed crawler when you need to cross a room (you prefer to use walls and furniture to shimmy around the room) - BUT - you walked baby girl. You walked. What an amazing and wonderful thing to be able to see you moving into this next phase of......disaster zone - I mean exploration! haha! Your Daddy and I are so proud of you. And I am so happy we were both here with you at home to witness it.

Once August starts.....A slight twinge of depression sets into our world......summer is basically over. People start calling and emailing about school stuff, football starts up, preparations begin to made for the upcoming year. Don't get me wrong baby, I love starting a new school year. It is always exciting and scary and joyful to begin a new year fresh with new students and new people and new challenges - but of course having NO schedule (other than taking care of you of course) for the last 2 1/2 months is pretty dang sweet, so August is always just a little bittersweet.

Over the rest of July and into August we have several more AWESOME adventures.........