Monday, June 4, 2012

Everyday is Saturday

Today is Monday, but it's hard to tell in my world. It's 9am and I just woke up. Yes, I woke up at 5:30 to the birds squawking, at 6:30 to Ruby licking my toes, and again at 7:30 as Jason left the house to go to football. But each time I rolled over......and dozed back to sleep. Until finally Booger came and curled up on my chest. Sleep time is now over. ;) Sipping a little coffee, got some laundry started before it too hot outside, and thinking about 'the list' I started yesterday of all things I'd like to accomplish over the next week to 3 months. It will certainly be added too. But, the thrill of crossing things off a list is one that I enjoy very much. 

Yesterday Jason and I went down to the Ada house to prep a few things for a potential sale/closing on it in the next week. If it does sell, it will be a huge relief for us. After those chores we headed over the Hyde Park and the Parrilla Grill for some refreshments. Jason certainly deserved it. Joe met us there for a bit and we ran into my pal from Hillside, Eric Rausch. Then back to home base, Lucas rolled up on his Harley to visit for a bit, a few more little chores and tidying around the house, then a delicious dinner of Jason's famous curry chicken. mmmmmmm. As the sun set and the almost full moon rose, we rested on our deck, admiring our new string of night-lights and the hummingbirds zipping in for an evening snack. Life is so good.

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