Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 37 / 38

Hi Babycakes ~

Our creatures Ruby, Pearl and Booger. They never leave my side these days.
Well, this turned out to be a pretty eventful week. Monday we visited Dr. Bob to have one last good imaging check-up - BTW you weigh ~6lbs 6oz !! Based on the symptoms I shared with her, combined with my high blood pressure, high protein levels in my pee and swollen legs and hands, she sent us off to Labor and Delivery to get monitored for a while. She stayed pretty calm and kept me calm too - but of course once I called your Dad (who was at football practice) I kind of freaked out. But he came and met me pretty quickly and we hung out there for about 4 hours. They showed me that I am having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions - I thought it was just you getting feisty - and we watched your heartbeat for a long time. Eventually we were sent home with directions to see Dr. J right away.

I did the next day after school (Tuesday) and things were still high and I was still swollen. She wanted me to have my bp checked by our school nurse the next day at school (Wednesday) and if it was still high then I had directions to go home and stay home. Well, it was still high all day. So I made plans to stay home Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Then at our next apt that afternoon she gave the final cut off to make me stay at home for the remainder of this journey. Honestly, I had mixed feelings. I was disappointed because I didn't have a very have a smooth transition with my students and on the other hand I was so uncomfortable at school that I was very relived to have permission to chill out a little.

flowers from kara
I have since realized that I now that I have really been able to re-focus on you and me and our experience together - I am much happier and joyful about your impending arrival. Not that I wasn't before - it was just hard to focus on doing a good job at work and at the same time focus on all the critical components of these last few weeks.....but now here we are, chillin out at home together, waiting to meet each other.

You and me watching football. :)

We have had several nice visitors this week: Kara and Micah, Mary and Joe, Pat and Shara, Amanda, Cindy, Lindsey, Sara, Meg, Ang. I am certainly feeling the love. I am having a tough time just lounging around, there always seems like there is a chore to get done.....but I'm trying to relax and enjoy the quiet time.

Here's a little more about YOU:

By the way - our bag is packed and the car seat is installed!

Get excited. At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means he’s developed his most crucial functions. Of course, he’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. Around week 37, many moms-to-be find themselves organizing cupboards and scrubbing their floors. That’s the nesting instinct kicking in as your body senses baby will be here shortly. It also might be your brain’s way of making sure you’re prepared for just about anything, so you can feel like you have an extra edge on this whole new parent thing. He likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. He's gaining about 1/2 ounce each day. 

38 weeks:

Yow! If you feel a sort of lightening bolt running up and down your legs (and in your crotch), don’t freak out. At 38 weeks, baby’s probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, which means he’s bumping into all kinds of nerves down there -- including some pretty sensitive ones you might not know you had. Be on the lookout for signs of labor, including contractions that come on stronger, at more regular intervals. It could happen any day now -- or it might not be for a few weeks. Until then, try to relax.

Update: Based your measurements two weeks ago - you probably weigh 7+ lbs by now (9/29/13). A whopper!

Love you oodles baby, Momma

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