Tuesday, November 26, 2013

6 Weeks

Hi Love!

It's a big day today! Lindy Sue is due to arrive in the world today (11-19-13)! Micah went down to Cali to be with Kara several days ago and they are waiting and waiting for their baby girl :) Soon after she is born they will travel back to Idaho together and Kara will be home for good. We can't wait!

You and I have had several really nice visits with friends this week: Ashley Kay (a student and my TA from my first year teaching!), Megan came a chilled, we met Stacie and two of her munchkins, we stopped by Auntie Katie's office (lots of women there to go googoo over you), and then we popped by Ang's house for a quick hello.

On Thursday your Dad went up to Couer d'Alene for the semi-final Capital football game. Bum deal - they didn't win - but it was a good season and I am happy to have him home safe. It was nasty weather up North and made it a tough drive. It will be so nice to have him home early and around in the afternoons again.

We also had my 6 week check-up with Dr. J. Everything seems to be great! I'm feeling good and looking good! You are doing so great too - you sleep through the night every two or three days and are only waking up once when you don't. We are really enjoying watching your little faces change everyday:

We also received two awesome packages in the mail this week! One from Michigan (Great Grammy Cud and Cindy) and one from Aunt Bonnie is Alaska! It had all sorts of special gifts from her trek to Nepal! How cool. You are so loved!

Love you babycakes! Momma

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