Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3 Months

OH my goodness Baby!!!

So much has happened in the last month!! The Holiday Break has been absolutely amazing. Your Dad and I have been enjoying the long lazy days with you ~ but also visiting with our friends and showing you off to the world. We are so happy to be your parents Katie Jane......This was the best Christmas ever.

Here are some highlights:
  • Ok - one night we went out without you......I surprised your Dad and we went down to the Front Door with Micah and Kara for an O'Dell Brewery pairing dinner ~ 3 plates / 3 beers. It was sooooooo delicious and we had a blast laughing with our friends about all of the joys and struggles of being new parents! We walked away with full belly's, free glasses, t-shirts, hats, posters, etc. So fun. You hung with Grammy and Grandpa Gordon ~ they were more than happy to be with you. 
  • Kara and I went strollin' with you and Lindy at the Christmas Show. We had fun shopping and talking and shopping and talking and strolling and showing off our cute babies to all of the old people. We also dressed you up and took funny pictures of you:

  • Funny things you did: You are babbling A LOT and like people to talk to you. You laughed in your dreams one night - it was awesome. You grunted at Daddy one night when he was cooking and it sounded like you said 'HEY'- it was hilarious. He turned and looked at you and you smiled really big!

  • You visited with Terry Gilbert, Megan & Sara, Heather B, Stacy Calhoun, Kristen, lots of Hillside peeps at Christine's bebe shower, and Day Care Dave. 
  • You had your 2 month baby checkup with Dr. Archibald: You are growing just fine! You really love playing with the tissue paper on the table.
  • On the 11th your Dad made an EPIC STAY HOME from work with us through Christmas Break!!!! WAHOOO!! One day you'll understand what a big deal this was for your Papa to take so much time off. But he was so ready and happy to do it.

  • Your dad nailed an elk. So we won't starve to death for the next two years. He and Micah made some amazingly delicious sausage.
  • You met SANTA over at the Rydman's house....... 

  • Went took you on your first ROAD TRIP across state lines to Mammoth, California!! We had a great time with Josh and Sam and their boys. Also, Josh's Aunt Cindy was a great host. Her house is RIGHT on the ski slopes and we had a front row seat for a super cool fireworks show celebrating the winter solstice. Your Dad and Josh went skiing and we bopped all over town checking out cool things. I hope we all go back one day. 

  • We spent Christmas Eve over at the Gordon's eating delicious soup and homemade bread....while looking at you and dreaming about Christmas morning. 

  • CHRISTMAS DAY!!! Oh we had such a nice day today - we had an amazing breakfast, drank mimosas, listened to good music, watched cheesy Christmas movies, opened PRESENTS, ate a DELICIOUS dinner, visited with Great Grandpa Mack, Great Grandma Gordon and took lots of pictures of you. 

  • Went up to McCall of course and enjoyed the winter wonderland up there. Jared and Sarah and Jackson joined us for night, the Wilder's came by for a visit and you met Cami while we were there. 

  • We helped host our Annual Holidaze party with our best-est friends. It took place this year on New Years Eve ~ and it was totally great ~ we had a Minute-to-Win-It tournament with ridiculous prizes, great snacks, and everyone wore CAPES. It was so. much. fun. 

  •  You first 3 months of life have been pretty rad so far if you ask me!!

  • We live a great life baby ~ and you just make it that much sweeter. Love you to pieces.

xoxoxoxo, Mama

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